Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plans...

There's a new "twist" in assisting those in paying for the costs of Medicare Prescription drug plans. Monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription co-payments related to a Medicare prescription drug plan are included. For more information, call us at 318-484-2260 or click on the "News in Our Parishes" link in the right panel of this page.

Alexandria Senior Vision Program

The Cenla Area Agency on Aging will be taking applications for the Alexandria Senior Vision Program. The program's intention is to improve the quality of life of those persons 60 years and older by making it easier for them to obtain eye examinations and eyeglasses. They must meet HUD income guidelines and live within the city limits of Alexandria. Call 318-484-2260 for more information.


SenioRx is a program to supply seniors with affordable prescription medication. Click on the "Our Services" link on the right to see if you are eligible for SenioRx.

Disaster Relief
Food Stamps

Disaster Relief Food Stamps are now available. You can pre-apply by clicking on the link on this page or by contacting the CAAA office for instructions.

The SHIIP is here!

Cenla Area Agency on Aging has a staff of certified SHIIP (Senior Health Insurance Information Program) counselors available to service the needs of Central Louisiana.